Canada Youth Challenge’s primary focus is to serve people in communities across Canada.
The program focuses on what we believe to be the three main aspects of a person – the body, mind, and spirit. Participants seek to meet felt needs by listening to the people they meet and by being an emotional support. They also assist by helping to nurture family health, spiritual development, and the character-building of children through the different literature that they leave behind in the homes.
Since 1998, Canada Youth Challenge has been involved in helping to change lives for the better and trains young people to serve the general public while also being actively involved in local faith-based communities. As a faith-based program, the ultimate purpose that unites us is to meet felt needs in the lives of individuals regardless of religion, age, race, creed, or gender. This youth program is sponsored by the Lifestyle Canada Education Service – a Seventh-day Adventist outreach initiative.
We take great care in selecting our participants. Whether serving in private or public places like community centers, businesses and local churches, we expect each missionary representative to display a high level of honesty, integrity, and responsibility. If your experience is anything but that, please contact us and let us know how we can do better.